WelComE tO My LifE

Tuesday 20 November 2012

End of Midterm

Yeayy...yesterday is the most historic day in my life..I have to attend two examination which is really make me feel so nervous..just imagine that the first exam was held at 1730 hour and the second is at 2030 hour..the first was marketing management which is MCQ and the second was business law..the bad news was the business law is in subjective questions..there's not much time for me to get ready for the second examination and the result was..I'M getting TIRED..how can i remember all the Contract Acts and all the sections and the cases that I had to relate it in my answer paper??..i didn't answer any for the first 15 minute..So, the moral of the stories is...I HAVE TO STUDY EARLIER!!!not 3 days before the exam start..hahaha..but it still a very memorable to me..ok guys..good luck in your exam..wish you all the best..

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